SEO Strategy Framework: Elements for Success | Get Visible
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SEO Strategy Framework

Below you'll find the SEO strategy framework I use. Each section is summarised and links to posts that offer more detail.

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Elements of a Great SEO Strategy*

* so says me and a few others.


  1. The Purpose of the Team
    Summarises what the SEO team/department exists to become, how it plans to do it and what metrics it will be measured against. I've given an introduction to my thinking about Vision, Mission and Goals.

  2. Strategy on a page
    This is almost entirely inspired by Franklin Covey's 4 Disciplines of Execution. I just found it to be the most succinct and focused way of summarising our SEO strategies. It also gives a great way to ensure you've got sufficient variety of approaches thought about and presented.​ This slide is here to make it clear of the breadth and depth issues you've considered and that its not just a list of tactics.

    1. Focus on the Wildly Important

    2. Act on Lead Measures

    3. Keep an Actionable Scoreboard

    4. Cadence of Accountability

  3. Diagnosis​
    This slide may not be relevant to those highest in business, but for your team and other stakeholders it will need to be clear that you've had a roots and branch review of current situation. This is where the diagnosis stage comes in.​

    1. SWOT - it is also vital that you include the team here. You HAVE to get their views of what's working and what's not.​

    2. The Challenges - you'll need to say, given all of our SWOT analysis and dialogue with teams, research and discovery, that you can crystallise the problem to be solved into 1 (or two if closely related) issues that the strategy aims to solve. 

    3. RAG Status on the SEO Pillars
      I've not explicitly called out 'International' or 'Local' in this framework as I believe it covers Configurations, Content and Links. Depending on the nature of your business it may also cover  Culture, Ways of Working & Resource.

      1. Culture​

      2. Ways of Working / Resource

      3. Data, Insight & Innovation

      4. Platforms

      5. Configurations

      6. Content

      7. Links

    4. Forecast RAG status over time. If you did X for each pillar, by year end the RAG status would change to a different colour. How does that pan out over the next 2 to 3 years?​

    5. Known Programmes - how SEO's challenges fit against the Organisation's programmes of work and evolution.

  4. Plan

    1. Roadmap - so you've given a top level view of what you need to tackle over the year in the pillar slides. But here you give a quarterly view of proposed activity to take you to the enhanced point at the end of the year. 

    2. Tooling & Tech - this will be greatly focus on the data & insight pillar. If resolving tooling & tech is a 'rock' then call out the current state and visualise how it needs to change.

    3. Team & Capability - give the structure, highlight the map of talent against requirements and then give the new structure.

  5. Requirements​

    1. Call out out what budget you believe is required. You should know the tooling, tech, staff and agency costs - all have a good idea.​

    2. Also highlight which projects you may need your line manager's support on.

    3. Identify which programmes / projects require significant cross-departmental co-operation

  6. Forecasts​

    1. Give a view of delivering the plan is likely to deliver for both sessions and revenue (or whichever metrics the organisation prioritises). Tom Critchlow suggests a median projection and a high and low boundaries to your forecasts - this is a great idea.​

    2. Give a view of how you plan to change the state of the metrics you've identified in your Goals at the start of the strategy.

  7. Recap

    1. Essentially the "strategy on a page" slide again.​


I'll also add some notes on presentation - Tom is far superior to me here.

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