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One Thing, One Focus: Mastering SEO Delivery with Gary Keller's Philosophy

This is one of the first books I bought on Audible - way back in 2015 and is still one of the most important books I've ever listened to. The fact that I can organise my workload effectively is, in part, due to the few years I worked in Product Management, but also book I was so consumed by the framework that Keller gave in this book - it is an essential read.

Here's a very brief intro into what the book will offer you.

The Pillars of the "One Thing" Philosophy:

Before exploring specific SEO applications, let's solidify our understanding of the key tenets of Keller's philosophy:

  • The Pareto Principle: 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. Identifying and focusing on this "vital few" activities drives exponential success. Take a look at the book 'The 80/20 Principle' to read more on this.

  • The Six Lies: Keller debunks six pervasive myths that hold us back – multitasking is efficient, willpower is abundant, passion trumps purpose, goals without plans succeed, etc. Recognising these lies is crucial for breaking free from unproductive habits. The first of those points is something I have directly instructed my team to avoid.

  • The One Thing: At any given time, there is only one thing that, by focusing on it, will make everything else easier or irrelevant. Identifying your "one thing" for your SEO strategy becomes the key to prioritising effectively.

  • The Path to the One Thing: Keller outlines a framework for discovering your "one thing" and staying on track, including identifying goals, focusing on the "right now," taking massive action, and eliminating distractions.

Translating the One Thing into SEO Delivery:

Now, let's see how these principles translate into concrete SEO strategies:

1. Identifying Your SEO "One Thing":

  • Analyse Your Current Performance: Conduct a comprehensive SEO audit of your website - analysing all the usual elements that go into an SEO audit. But don't fall into the trap of only auditing the traditional elements of a website and the links pointing to it. Consider all those other elements of the diagnosis I give in my framework: culture; ways of working; resource and data, insight & innovation.

  • Define Your Long-Term Goal: Where do you want your SEO efforts to take you? Don't fall into the trap of saying "Increased organic traffic, improved conversions, higher rankings for specific keywords?" Having a clearer and more purposeful long-term goal will guide your "one thing" selection - it has to specifically tie into the departmental and organisational goals.

  • The Power of Focus: Don't try to achieve everything at once. Choose the single most impactful factor that will propel you towards your long-term goal. This becomes your "one thing" – the singular focus that drives your SEO efforts.

2. Conquering the Six Lies:

  • Multitasking Myths: Multitasking is a productivity killer. Identify your most productive times for SEO work and block off dedicated slots in your calendar for focused action on your "one thing." Delegate or automate other tasks to avoid distractions.

  • The Willpower Trap: Don't rely on willpower alone. Build systems and processes that support your "one thing," like setting automatic reminders, utilising project management tools (such as JIRA), and creating an environment conducive to deep work - I ask my team to set out two hours a day of deep work where they can focus intently on problems and then we walk through the outcomes.

  • Passions and Plans: Passion is crucial, but it needs direction. Translate your SEO passion into a concrete plan with actionable steps, milestones, and deadlines. This ensures your "one thing" doesn't remain a nebulous aspiration but does consistently move you towards achieving the goals and delivering on those North Star ambitions.

3. Prioritising with the "Right Now":

  • The Power of Today: Focus on your "one thing" for the present moment. Don't get bogged down by planning every detail of the future or dwelling on past setbacks. Be present in the "right now" and give your full attention to the task at hand.

  • No More Busywork: Identify and eliminate activities that don't contribute to your "one thing." Whether it's attending irrelevant meetings, chasing fleeting trends, or constantly checking analytics, these distractions rob you of valuable focus.

  • The Daily WIN: Break down your "one thing" into smaller, daily wins. Achieve something tangible related to your SEO focus each day, whether it's writing a portion of a content piece, acquiring a valuable backlink, or optimising a key page. These small wins will keep you motivated and on track.

4. Taking Massive Action and Minimizing Distractions

  • Distraction Elimination: Be ruthless in minimizing distractions that impede your progress on your "one thing." Silence notifications, block social media access during focused work periods, and delegate non-essential tasks. Create an environment conducive to deep work and protect your time fiercely.

  • Saying No to the "Trivial Many": Learn to gracefully decline requests or projects that distract from your "one thing." Remember, focusing on the high-impact factor often requires saying no to the many lesser opportunities that may pull you away from your true priority.

  • Celebrating Progress, Embracing Setbacks: Celebrate even small wins on your "one thing" journey. Completing a key task, achieving a daily milestone, or seeing positive SEO results are worthy of acknowledgment. This keeps you motivated and reinforces your commitment. On the other hand, embrace setbacks as temporary roadblocks, not failures. Analyze what went wrong, adjust your approach if needed, and stay focused on your long-term vision

Bringing it all together

"The One Thing" isn't just about specific SEO tactics; it's about adopting a strategic mindset for sustainable success. By prioritising ruthlessly, focusing on high-impact activities, and eliminating distractions, you can achieve more with less and ensure your SEO efforts deliver lasting results. Remember:

  • Clarity Drives Efficiency: Identifying your true "one thing" brings clarity and purpose to your SEO work. You'll know exactly where to focus your energy and what activities truly move the needle.

  • Focus Breeds Momentum: By concentrating on a single, high-impact priority, you build momentum and create a domino effect of success. Small wins lead to bigger wins, and your SEO efforts gain traction and effectiveness.

  • Less is More: Embrace the counterintuitive power of doing less. By eliminating distractions and focusing on the "one thing," you avoid the trap of unproductive busyness and unlock peak productivity for your SEO endeavors.

As I said at the outset, this is probably one of the most important books I've ever read. If you've got Kindleunlimited then you can get it for free, otherwise the paperback is just the price of a couple of northern coffees at Amazon (aff).

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